How To Change Someones Name On Discord?

Discord is an immensely popular communication platform that enables users to chat, share files, and play games with friends and communities around the world. However, sometimes users may need to change someone’s name on Discord, either to reflect a new username or to correct a mistake. While this may seem like a simple task, it can be a bit confusing for new users. So, if you’re wondering how to change someone’s name on Discord, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of changing someone’s name on Discord with detailed steps and screenshots. Whether you’re an admin of a server, a moderator, or just a regular user, our guide will help you change someone’s name on Discord quickly and easily. So, without further ado, let’s dive in and learn how to change someone’s name on Discord!

How to Change Someones Name on Discord?

How to Change Someone’s Name on Discord?

If you are a server administrator or a Discord user who wants to change someone’s name on Discord, you have come to the right place. Discord is a popular communication platform that allows users to chat, voice, and video call with their friends, family, and colleagues. Changing someone’s name on Discord is a simple process that can be done in just a few clicks. In this article, we will guide you on how to change someone’s name on Discord.

Step 1: Open Discord and Navigate to the Server

The first step to change someone’s name on Discord is to open Discord and navigate to the server where the person is located. Once you have opened Discord, select the server where the person is located from the left-hand side panel. If you are the server administrator, you can select any server where the person is located.

Step 1.1: Server Navigation

Once you have selected the server, you will see a list of channels in the center of the screen. Look for the channel where the person is located and click on it to open the channel.

Step 1.2: Member List

Once you have opened the channel, you will see a list of members on the right-hand side of the screen. Look for the person whose name you want to change and click on their name to open their profile.

Step 2: Change the Person’s Name

The second step to change someone’s name on Discord is to edit their name in their profile. Once you have opened the person’s profile, you will see their username and nickname. To change their name, click on the nickname field and type in the new name that you want to give them.

Step 2.1: Username vs. Nickname

It is important to note that changing someone’s nickname on Discord will only change their name on the server where they are located. It will not change their username, which is their unique identifier on Discord. If you want to change their username, you will need to ask them to do it themselves.

Step 2.2: Formatting the Name

You can also format the person’s name by using special characters such as underscores, asterisks, and tildes. For example, if you want to make their name bold, you can add two asterisks before and after their name like this **John Doe**. If you want to make their name italic, you can add one asterisk before and after their name like this *John Doe*. You can also use other special characters to format their name.

Step 3: Save the Changes

The final step to change someone’s name on Discord is to save the changes that you have made. Once you have edited the person’s name, click on the “Save Changes” button to save the changes. The person’s name will now be updated on the server where they are located.

Step 3.1: Benefits of Changing Someone’s Name

Changing someone’s name on Discord can be useful in several scenarios. For example, if someone has an offensive or inappropriate name, you can change their name to something more appropriate. You can also change someone’s name if they have a nickname that they no longer want to use.

Step 3.2: Vs. Changing Your Own Name

It is important to note that changing someone’s name on Discord is different from changing your own name. If you want to change your own name on Discord, you can do it by editing your profile. However, if you want to change someone else’s name, you will need to have the appropriate permissions on the server where they are located.

In conclusion, changing someone’s name on Discord is a simple process that can be done in just a few clicks. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can change someone’s name on Discord and help them to have a better experience on the platform.

Key Takeaways: How to Change Someone’s Name on Discord?

  • Discord is a popular communication platform for gamers and communities.
  • Changing someone’s name on Discord requires you to have the appropriate permissions.
  • If you have the permissions, you can change someone’s name by right-clicking on their name and selecting “Change Nickname.”
  • You can also use the command “/nick” followed by the new name to change someone’s name.
  • Remember to be respectful when changing someone’s name and only do so with their permission or if it is necessary for moderation purposes.
  • Changing someone’s name without their permission or for malicious reasons can result in consequences such as being banned from the server.
  • If you are unsure about how to change someone’s name or have questions, reach out to the server moderators or consult the Discord support documentation.

In summary, changing someone’s name on Discord is a straightforward process as long as you have the appropriate permissions. However, it is important to use this feature responsibly and with respect for others in the community. By following these key takeaways, you can effectively change someone’s name on Discord without any issues.

How to Change Nicknames on Discord Servers

Changing someone’s name on Discord is a simple process that can be accomplished in just a few steps. Whether you’re an admin looking to update a user’s display name or a user wanting to change your own name, the process is straightforward and easy to follow. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily change a name on Discord and get back to enjoying everything this popular chat platform has to offer.

In conclusion, being able to change someone’s name on Discord is a useful skill that can come in handy for both users and administrators alike. Whether you’re looking to update your own display name or change the name of another user, the process is simple and can be accomplished quickly and easily. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can confidently change names on Discord and continue to enjoy all the benefits of this popular chat platform.

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